Know1ng is a 2009 film based on a story by Ryne Pearson. It was produced by David Alper, Todd Black, David J. Bloomfield, Jason Blumenthal, Topher Dow, Norman Golightly, Stephen Jones, Aaron Kaplan, Ryne Douglas Pearson, Sean Perrone, Alex Proyas, & Steve Tisch, directed by Alex Proyas, written by Ryne Douglas Pearson, Juliet Snowden, & Stiles White, & starring Nicolas Cage (Prof. Jonathan "John" Koestler), Chandler Canterbury (Caleb Koestler), Joshua Long (Young Caleb Koestler), Rose Byrne (Diana Wayland/Lucinda Embry-Wayland), & Lara Robinson (Young Lucinda Embry/Abby Wayland/Young Diana Wayland). This film has been rated PG-13 for disaster sequences, disturbing images, and brief strong language (MPAA/USA [certificate #45115]), 14A (Canadian English), 13ans+ (Canadian French). I would give this movie 64% of a star.
What happens when the numbers run out?
Click here to watch it.
When John Koestler finds a 5-decade-old piece of paper with numbers on it he gets caught in the middle of an upcoming worldwide disaster.
Universal Studios. March 09, 2009. Action-Drama-Mystery-Science Fiction-Thriller. 121 min./Color. DVD,BD;2-D (although there are some scenes where it looks 3-D-ish).
I think this is an excellent movie because it's EXTREMELY exciting &, above all, AWESOME!!!
Of all the disasters in this movie, the plane crash is the MOST disturbing (SERIOUSLY!!!); the train wreck is intense too, but not too bad. Still, if you have children under the age of 11 or 12, cover their eyes during both (& the rest of them, as well)!