The Walking Dead is a 2010 live-action horror television series that is based on the ongoing graphic novel series of the same name by Robert Kirkman. It was produced by Denise M. Huth, Tom Luse, Adam Fierro, Gregory Nicotero, David Alpet, Frank Darabont, Charles H. Eglee, Gale Anne Hurd, (GET THIS!) Robert Kirkman, Jack LoGiudice, & Skip Schoolnik, directed by Frank Darabont, Ernest R. Dickerson, Guy Ferland, Gwyneth Horder-Payton, Michelle Maxwell MacLaren, & Johan Renck, written by Charlie Adlard, Frank Darabont (Yes, him again!), Robert Kirkman (& him, too!), & Tony Moore, & stars Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes). This series has been rated TV-MA(USA), 18A (Canadian English), & 13ans+ Canadian French). Believe it or not, I've seen this show, so I would give this series 87% of a star.
Who Will Arrive? Who Will Survive?
SEASON 1 (2010):
# in series | # in season
01|01. Days Gone Bye
02|02. Guts
03|03. Tell It to the Frogs
04|04. Vatos
05|05. Wildfire
06|06. TS-19
07|01. What Lies Ahead
08|02. Bloodletting
09|03. Save the Last One
10|04. Cherokee Rose
11|05. Chupacabra
12|06. Secrets
13|07. Pretty Much Dead Already
14|08. Nebraska
15|09. Triggerfinger
16|10. 18 Miles Out
17|11. Judge, Jury, Executioner
18|12. Better Angels
19|13. Beside the Dying Fire
SEASON 3 (2012):
20|01. Seed
21|02. Sick
22|03. Walk with Me
23|04. Killer Within
24|05. Say the Word
25|06. Hounded
26|07. When the Dead Come Knocking
27|08. Made to Suffer
28|09. The Suicide King
29|10. Home
30|11. I Ain't a Judas
31|12. Clear
32|13. Arrow on the Doorpost
33|14. Prey
34|15. This Sorrowful Life
35|16. Welcome to the Tombs
SEASON 4 (2013):
36|01. 30 Days Without an Accident
37|02. Infected
38|03. Isolation
39|04. Indifference
40|05. Internment
41|06. Live Bait
42|07. Dead Weight
43|08. Too Far Gone
44|09. After
45|10. Inmates
46|11. Claimed
47|12. Still
48|13. Alone
49|14. The Grove
50|15. Us
51|16. A
SEASON 5 (2014):
52|01. No Sanctuary
53|02. Strangers
54|03. Four Walls and a Roof
55|04. Slabtown
56|05. Self Help
57|06. Consumed
58|07. Crossed
59|08. Coda
60|09. What Happened and What's Going On
61|10. Them
62|11. The Distance
63|12. Remember
64|13. Forget
65|14. Spend
66|15. Try
67|16. Conquer
SEASON 6 (2015):
68|01. First Time Again
69|02. JSS
70|03. Thank You
71|04. Here's Not Here
72|05. Now
73|06. Always Accountable
74|07. Heads Up
75|08. Start to Finish
76|09. No Way Out
77|10. The Next World
78|11. Knots Untie
79|12. Not Tomorrow Yet
80|13. The Same Boat
81|14. Twice as Far
82|15. East
83|16. Last Day on Earth
If you want to see what changes this TV series has undergone, then just click here.
American Movie Classics (AMC). October 31, 2010-. Horror-Drama. DVD, BD; 2-D. 6 seasons (So far)/83 episodes, so far/each 45 min./color.
I think this is an awesome series because it's scary, & terrifying. Enjoy!