Super Rhino

Super Rhino is a 2009 CGI animated short, starring the characters from the Walt Disney feature film Bolt. It was produced by Clark Spencer, Makul Wigert, Byron Howard, John Lasseter, & Chris Williams, directed & written by Nathan Greno, & stars the voice talents of Mark Walton (Rhino) & Miley Cyrus (Penny). This short has been rated G (MPAA/USA). I would give this short 100% of a star.


Penny & Bolt have been captured by Dr. Calico (Malcolm McDowell), & are hanging over a lake of lava. Rhino, now genetically enhanced with superpowers, thanks to Penny's TV Dad (Sean Donnellan), races to Calico's lair to save them. There's a surprise ending in this short, one which I surely don't want to give away.


Walt Disney Animation Studios. March 22, 2009 (with Bolt DVD & BD). Adventure-Comedy-Family. 04 min./color. USA.


I think this short is cool because now, Bolt has another sidekick, besides Penny.

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